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Interface: InvitePayload

Payload for context.inviteAsync. Represents content to be shared in invites sent by the user.

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Optional cta: string | LocalizableContent

Text of the call-to-action button.


Optional data: Record<string, unknown>

Object passed to any session launched from this context message. Its size must be <=1000 chars when stringified. It can be accessed from Wortal.session.getEntryPointData().


Optional dialogTitle: string | LocalizableContent

An optional title to display at the top of the invite dialog instead of the generic title. This param is not sent as part of the message, but only displays in the dialog header. The title can be either a string or an object with the default text as the value of 'default' and another object mapping locale keys to translations as the value of 'localizations'.

PLATFORM NOTE: Facebook only.


Optional filters: InviteFilter[]

The set of filters to apply to the suggestions. Multiple filters may be applied. If no results are returned when the filters are applied, the results will be generated without the filters.


image: string

Data URL of base64 encoded image to be displayed. This is required for the payload to be sent.


Optional sections: InviteSection[]

The set of sections to be included in the dialog. Each section can be assigned a maximum number of results to be returned (up to a maximum of 10). If no max is included, a default max will be applied. Sections will be included in the order they are listed in the array. The last section will include a larger maximum number of results, and if a maxResults is provided, it will be ignored. If this array is left empty, default sections will be used.

PLATFORM NOTE: Facebook only.


text: string | LocalizableContent

A text message, or an object with the default text as the value of 'default' and another object mapping locale keys to translations as the value of 'localizations'.